There are numerous treatment programs for drug addiction. Since drugs are of so many kinds, it is only normal in a way that there would be equal methods of treatment for these drugs. Someone who is going through alcohol addiction will have a similar program to treat it, for example, if someone drinks ten bottles of alcohol, they would be considered in the moderate levels of drug addiction, which may rise to severe levels if the alcohol is not taken from them and treatment is not given to them—they will develop severe level of addiction and for people with severe addiction, inpatient treatment program is assigned to them which is very harsh form of treatment, but is needed for the drug addict to get cleaned from the inside properly or else their life would be in danger and their loved ones might even lose them to drugs, which is something no one wants to see happening. Same way, people with moderate levels of addiction are given intensive outpatient rehab in los angeles and people who have mild addiction levels get outpatient treatment.

But the question beckons, why should one get or does get intensive outpatient treatment program? Here is why:

So, whenever someone gets treatment for drug addiction, it is assured that the treatment will work, but most of the times what happens is that the person who is getting treated either doesn’t match well with the treatment that is devised for them. For example, someone is assigned inpatient treatment program, but the inpatient treatment program is so harsh that the patient who actually had moderate levels of drug addiction is now subjected to harsh treatment procedures and is under 24/7 watch, which can put a toll on a person with moderate levels of addiction. In some cases, this might work, the treatment might become successful, but sometimes, wrong method of treatment is assigned to a person for which they suffer this is where intensive outpatient treatment program is given to the patient to balance out the addiction treatment that was wrongly assigned to them.

Sometimes, the inpatient treatment works, it works wonders for the patient, but just to help them ease into the society, into the working life, into their school life etc. or just any other field of life, intensive outpatient treatment works the best for these kinds of situations. Why does it work the best? Well, mainly because in intensive outpatient rehab in los angeles, the patient is given the freedom to settle into the workplace environment, into the school environment while still getting the same intense treatment in the form of group therapy, medication, and counselling along with regular screenings and checkups to make sure the patient who had severe levels of addiction is now someone who is on the mild level of addiction. The whole point of appointing intensive outpatient rehab treatment is to easily fit them back into the life that they left because of getting addicted to drugs.

The same happens for people who go through outpatient treatment program. When some people who go through this treatment don’t get the results they were hoping for, medical health professionals at the rehab facility balance that out by appointing them intensive outpatient treatment, they increase the hours, increase the group therapy sessions, and even provide medication when needed to better heal the patient. So, intensive outpatient rehab in los angeles is something that covers up the things other treatment programs might not fix, or they might just be the end form of the entire recovery process for the patient.