Nursing home dental care California has a lot of benefits that you need to know. The need for proper oral health is equally important in your old age as it is in your younger years, however, we encourage seniors to take the necessary measures to ensure their teeth are healthy.
Dry mouth
Few older adults are fortunate enough to not take regular medicines and the fact is that over four hundred medicines contribute to dry mouth. This heightens the risk of the patient for cavities and gum disease because the production of saliva continuously helps to control mouth bacteria. Without enough mouth moisture, fungi and viruses reproduce unchecked, which can speed up teeth decay.
While you might not be able to avoid dry mouth, you can maintain good senior mobile dental care with flossing and brushing regularly, along with bi-annual checkups. The better your dental hygiene levels, the less chance bacteria will cause damage or even trigger gum disease. Avoiding alcohol, coffee, smoking and chewing sugar-free gum will stimulate saliva production.
Poor nutrition
Consuming the wrong foods or not enough of the right food, can cause oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease. Developing these problems can lead to poor nutrition because the elderly who struggle to chew often choose soft foods rather than consuming healthier fare.
Chronic conditions
Some chronic conditions can aggravate dental care challenges for seniors. These include heart disease, diabetes, and pneumonia. All common medical problems among the elderly, each condition has its cause and effect on oral health.
High blood sugar as a result of either type 2 or type 1 diabetes can increase the risk of gum disease. Also, the existence of severe gum disease can also hinder the ability to absorb insulin and cause severe diabetes symptoms. Proper nursing home dental care California can help prevent diabetes.