Human growth hormones (hgh) have found their way online. You can buy HGH online without going through a doctor or a health care practitioner and seemingly, without a prescription. This begs to ask if it is safe, if it ls legal and if it is ethical? And what exactly is HGH. Well, in the human format, in other words in the natural body, human growth hormones are a petite hormone and they stimulate cell regeneration, cell reproduction and they stimulate growth. They are vital to the development of the human body. If a body is not growing for any reason, illness or genetics, HGH are sometimes administered by a doctor. But we all know that athletes like to take HGH too, to bulk up their muscles, and to get mean, long, strong, slim and fit. But what exactly are they taking?
What is the HGH bought online
When a person buys HGH online it is like buying steroids online. Human growth hormones in supplement form are made up from a variety of chemicals. The human growth hormones a person is buying, generally an athlete, does not actually come from another person’s body. The HGH is a steroid, a series of chemicals designed to act the same way that human growth hormones act naturally. Human growth hormones sold online are therefore supplements. Are they legal? It all depends on what you are buying. It is up to you to do the relevant checks and balances before placing an order. It is also wise to check what you are putting into your body and to check what side effects you might have.
Can one stimulate their own HGH?
There are many ways to stimulate your own human growth hormones and some of these include a very good diet that is rich in fiber, vitamins, nutrients and protein, cutting unnatural sugar out of the diet, losing body fat and building muscle through exercise, as well as fasting intermittently. Whatever a person does, when it is extreme, should be done under supervision. If you are a young adult and part of a sports team and your coach wants you to take HGH or supplements or steroids, do your own checks and balances. Do not just say yes to please your coach or to ensure you keep your place on the team. Do things legally and ethically and do not follow the crowd. You will get more satisfaction this way and you know, maybe you do not need HGH or steroids at all.
There is a place for HGH
There is definitely a place for human growth hormones being supplemented but this is generally to help a person who has an illness or disease. HGH is not dispensed so easily and doctors warn about the side effects which can be hectic, especially with long term use of HGH. Read and educate yourself and arm yourself with knowledge before you take or buy HGH. You can buy HGH online but the question is, should you?