If you live in America you should get an asbestos inspection. Unless you live in a new home or work in a new office block, check your environment. For many years the use of asbestos in the building and in building-related materials went unchecked. The dangers of asbestos only became known as people got sick. The industry was unregulated and went unregulated for many decades. Asbestos exposure can make a person extremely ill. Asbestos breaks down into what are incredibly thin fibers, fibers which cannot be seen or smelled. These fibers can stay in the air for days once they have been disturbed. An individual can breathe these fibers in. And if the fibers are inhaled over a period of time, the results are deadly.
Asbestos-related illnesses
People who are exposed to asbestos, and perhaps you need asbestos testing, can get something called asbestosis. Asbestosis can cause permanent damage to the lung or lungs. People exposed to asbestos can get lung cancer. They can get mesothelioma which is a rare kind of cancer that affects the lungs, chest and even the lining of the stomach. Asbestos can also cause cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the kidneys or the throat. And then there can be permanent scarring of the lung. Asbestos does not mess around and if you suspect that there could be asbestos where you live or work, call in the environmental testing services.
Asbestos in building products
The biggest danger from asbestos, apart from where asbestos itself is mined or was mined, is asbestos that is found in building products. And do not for a minute think that you no longer find asbestos in building products because you do. There are rules and regulations these days but the rules and regulations for each state in the USA are different. So if you suspect that there could be asbestos in your environment, do not think that you are wrong and that it is impossible. It is entirely possible and you would be doing the best thing by checking it out.
Asbestos and other related hazards
Asbestos is not the only toxin or hazard that you should be aware of, in buildings, warehouses, mines, in factories, schools and in any industry. Lead is another danger. Mold is a huge danger. So is damp. If there are unexplained illnesses in your workplace or in your home, see a doctor but also, call in environmental testers. There are environmental testers in each state in the USA; there have to be. Toxins and hazards are real and they must be dealt with. Get the environmental testers to check out your environment and get them to conduct the necessary tests. They have environmental testing labs and will be able to give you quick answers. If they find positive results after an asbestos inspection, they will guide you towards the responsible actions that will need to be taken.